Why I Founded theotots.com

Why I founded theotots.com:


I want to help you find the best gospel resources for your kids.

In this post I will list five reasons why I feel so deeply about this and how the Lord has prepared me for this.

1.       My own childhood was shaped by truths like that Jesus died for my sin. I still remember that I was sitting at a table at the small church that my dad pastored in Poteet, TX. Looking out the window, I was listening to a woman talk with me about Jesus. I believed. I received salvation as a gift from God. God paid for my sin by dying on The Cross for it.

2.       I know logically that statistics point to a “4-14" window. That is, most believers are born again between the ages of 4-14. It makes sense to me that our efforts as a church should be focused on helping the very young. We certainly help them quite a bit in other ways (like providing them with toys). Let’s give them meaningful, eternal blessings.


3.       As a mom myself I’ve poured a lot of resources into finding the most clear , engaging, age-appropriate gospel resources for my kids. I would love for you to also enjoy quality products like the free Bible App for Kids and the Bible App for Kids' Bible Storybook.

4.       Good Theology is important. During a (seminary) season in my young adulthood I felt bewildered by an onslaught of confusing, liberal Theology. I have since recovered and believe that right thinking helps to shield us so that we won’t be tossed to and fro (Ephesians 4:14).

5.       Looking to the future on earth (not to mention our Heavenly future), if we can train up a generation of little ones who have a firm foundation in their walk with the Lord, we can significantly contribute to the state of the church decades from now when they are parents and kingdom leaders.


So, there you have it. These are reasons why I founded theotots.com. Hopefully it’s useful to you and, I humbly pray, increasingly so.


Here’s what I’d like to ask you:


1.       Subscribe to the monthly newsletter. It just appears in your inbox once a month and I pray that it’s fruitful.

2.       Give feedback. If you have ideas for improving theotots.com or any other feedback, please do share it. You can write directly to [email protected] .

3.       Join the theotots.com Facebook page.

4.       Spread the word! Tell others about theotots.com verbally like at church, digitally like on social media, and in more creative ways.

5.       Purchase quality resources through the links on the site. They are affiliate links with Amazon and Christian Book Distributors. You might consider getting gifts for the children of ministry leaders (Buy a small present for missionary kids who are on furlough, for example.).

"I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace."

Isaiah 54:13

In Jesus,


PS Please do consider the free Bible App for Kids and the Bible App for Kids’ Bible Storybook. The app is fun and educational. I like that the Bible is bright with little text- ideal for little ones!