Top Bibles and Bible Storybooks for Kids
Theotots' Top Picks:
Bible: The Bible App for Kids Storybook Bible
Gospel Pick: God’s Big Story for You
About the Bible: I Love My Bible
For Listening: The Rhyme Bible Storybook
For Babies: JESUS
For Toddlers: I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones
For Preschoolers: The Bible App for Kids Bible Storybook
For Big Kids: The Complete Illustrated Children’s Bible
Top Bibles and Bible Storybooks for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers By Age:
0-6 months: Baby’s Special Bible
6-12 months: JESUS: Little Words Matter
12-18 months: The Rhyme Bible Storybook for Little Ones
18-24 months: Stories about Jesus, Beginner’s Bible
Age 2: I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones CBD
Age 3: The Rhyme Bible Storybook
Age 4: God’s Big Story for You
Age 5: The Bible App for Kids Bible Storybook
Age 6: I Am: 40 Reasons To Trust God
Age 7: The Jesus Storybook Bible
Books about the Bible
Book Reviews

I AM: The Names of God for Little Ones (board book) by Diane M. Stortz
Ideas in this book:
It has names of God, Bible verses, Bible stories, response prayers, and quality pictures.
What is commendable:
It’s a rich resource in many ways. The last few pages focus on salvation and lordship in an age-appropriate way. This is a fantastic choice for a baby’s first Bible.
The number of pages with text: 20
The number of sentences per page: 5
The number of words per sentence: 7
Writing style: The sentences are sweet and simple.

I Love My Bible by Debby Anderson
Ideas in this book:
The Bible is God’s book. It is the best book and it is true. It tells us about Jesus. It will last forever. It fits together though there were 40 human authors over hundreds of years. These are God’s instructions for us. We can memorize it. We can support missionaries who translate it. We can read it anytime and anywhere. We can obey it.
What is commendable:
This book communicates much truth about the Bible in a straightforward manner and examples.
The number of pages with text: 21
The number of sentences per page: 2
The number of words per sentence: 15
Writing style:
The style is conversational. “God wants everyone to have His Word. But around the world, many people don’t have enough Bibles. Sometimes they take out ages to give away or copy pages to share with others.”
JESUS (Little Words Matter) by B&H Kids Editorial Staff

Ideas in this book:
The ideas are related to the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
What is commendable:
The clear simplicity is a perfect introduction for babies age 6-12 months.
The number of pages with text: 10
Writing style:
This book has 12 words related to Jesus. Examples include, “baby (with nativity picture)”, “king (with palm Sunday picture),” and “Cross (empty cross picture with sad raccoon family onlookers).”
The ABC Bible Verse Book by Deedra Scherm

Ideas in this book:
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
What is commendable:
I prefer this particular ABC Bible Verse book at least in part because of its very brightly colored illustrations. My one-year-old loves this board book.
The number of pages with text: 26
The number of sentences per page: One verse
God’s Big Story for You by Our Daily Bread Ministries

The number of pages with text: 24
The number of sentences per page: 3
The number of words per sentence: 12
Writing style:
This book reads like an engaging story. “Jesus’s friends were afraid that God’s story was over, that His promises would never come true, that they would never know God’s love again. But God wasn’t done yet.”
First Bible Basics: A Counting Primer (Baby Believer) by Danielle Hitchen

Ideas in this book:
This book includes concepts such as monotheism, the two natures of Christ, the Trinity, etc.
The number of pages with text: 10
The number of sentences per page: 5
The number of words per sentence: 12
Writing style:
The style is comprised of Bible verses, a creed, and a bit of an old hymn.
My Bible Says (Happy Day) by Marjorie Redford

What is commendable:
I like the last page, “My Bible says to go tell others, “Jesus loves you too!’” Personally, I think that the art is excellent for little ones.
The number of pages with text: 14 (Including 6 Bible verse pages)
The number of sentences per page: 1
The number of words per sentence: 7
Writing style:
The style is rhyming.