My Husband’s Testimony of Early Faith

At Age 4

(This is my husband’s story.)

When can faith begin in a child's life? I believe very early on. In June of 1984 I was just 4 years and a month old. My mom took me to see The Gremlins at the theater, which, retrospectively, we should have skipped. As we were leaving, I sprinted far ahead in the empty mall. I got to the door as a man was entering. I wanted to pass through despite my mom's calls for me to wait. As I deliberated obedience in the entry way, the door swung back and clobbered me. I didn't receive any injuries thankfully, but that night mom had a talk with me. She spoke about sin and its harsh consequences, as well as the forgiveness we can have since Christ paid for our sin on the the cross. With the powerful object lesson, the gentle love of my mother, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit, I genuinely believed that night.