Sing A New Song To The Lord

Singing to the Lord is encouraged and is in fact commanded in Scripture.

A new song is a fresh song signifying a dynamic, living walk with the Lord.

Let’s consider three reasons to sing to the Lord habitually in our homes.

First, singing is part of our relationship with God. This is part of our adoration, our prayer life, our affirmation of truths, etc.

It’s part of our obedience to bring the sacrifice of praise even when (and especially) when we don’t feel like it. God is always good, omnipotent, and worthy of worship.

It focuses our hearts on what is real. Praise gives us an eternal perspective.

Praise deepens our faith.

Praise helps us to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts. This emotive aspect can be expressed in other biblical ways as well- using instruments, dancing, crying out, clapping, etc.

So, this relates to our relationship with the Lord. My parents regularly sang songs of faith, even during seasons of dry faith. They sang with gusto.

This brings us to the second point which is that singing to the Lord is a way to teach our children. Did my parents talk to me about evangelism and even demonstrate sharing about Jesus’s atoning death on the Cross for the forgiveness of sins? Yes, they did. But they also sang songs like, “Everybody oughtta know who Jesus is.” My mom really poured her heart into singing that song- often during car rides.

It served as a kind of catechism for me.

I learned about the importance of the Bible in a number of ways. One was through this song:

“The B-I-B-L-E, that’s the book for me…”

Singing is a way of teaching.

Thirdly, praising God teaches our children to praise God. This cannot be overemphasized.

If we can teach them to praise we will help prepare them for their eternal vocation. We are all called to praise in Heaven!

Let’s remember how important praising God was in the Bible, like the time that the singers were put at the front when they marched into battle (2 Chronicles 20).

Here are some singing and audio products to help you fill your home with the Lord’ praises.

The first two are similar in a way. The first is "The Kids Hymnal" (I suggest getting the hymn book and the cd.). You can click on the picture and the caption to get them.

The second is called  Wee Sing.

Here’s a product that’s sold out everywhere on the web. It’s a favorite of mine. The songs are super short, but there are Bible stories too.

This one is a stuffed animal. You can operate it by pressing on its nose and feet. Besides including four hymns it also has hours of Bible content that’s read aloud. My oldest listens to the Gospel of John on this in the evenings (He prefers the female voice he says.).

This one has the technology that’s in singing greeting cards. That is, you press each page to hear the corresponding song. My toddler really enjoys how simple it is. I think that the bright colors in the interesting pictures also appeal to him. By the way, the publisher sent me a free one when one of my pages didn’t work anymore.

In Jesus,
